
Are Slate and Pearl White the New Stainless Steel in Home Finishes?

We’ve all seen how the interiors of homes often have a period in which they appear to be constructed and this often corresponds with the materials that were available at the time and the tastes of a particular decade.


Stainless steel finishes were quite prevalent for years and we saw the look in everything from dishwashers to elevators. Indeed, my home was constructed in the early 1990’s and oak wood trim is a theme through the house that was used in many homes of that era.


With advancements in materials new finishes are possible and it seems that “white pearl” or “slate” finishes are starting to be advertised as finishes. Are these the new “must have finishes that will define home interiors and possibly elevator interiors for the remainder of this decade?


I suppose we’ll see but if you have thoughts please get in touch and tell us what you think.


By: Graham Kawulka