Dealers News

Research on Seniors and Internet Device Usage

There is an interesting site that focuses on Aging in Place Technology and they provided an interesting summary of some recent Pew Research that is very relevant if you are working in seniors products:


“The device divide is striking.  The needle has barely moved since the last Pew survey when it comes to tablets and smart phones. Smart phone device developers and retailers are not smart about selling them to seniors, even those with money and a college education.  Overall adoption among the 65+ for each is still only 18%, and even for those with $75,000 or more in income, only 42% have smart phones. Compare that to the general population with that income level – it is 76%. Ditto with tablets – the needle has not budged – 18% overall of the 65+ own a tablet – and of those with higher incomes, only 39% thought it was worth it.”


For products that RAM offers this is not the only segment we market to but it is an important one as they are the end users in many cases.


Foo for thought!